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Compassionate Systems

in Hong Kong

About the Framework

Overview of Compassionate Systems

Background & Context:

The challenges that we currently face are parts of interconnected, interdependent, global systems. As we seek solutions to these worldwide issues, we must also find ways to help young people cultivate deep thinking & well-being.

Core Idea:

With this in mind, MIT thought leaders Peter Senge (renowned organisational learning leader) & Mette Boell (specialist in evolution of social systems) drew upon established social & emotional learning (SEL) & the field of system thinking to establish the “Compassionate Systems” educational framework. The goal is to develop models of thinking & teaching that prepare learners to better understand & respond to systemic issues, thereby building a cognitive & affective foundation for global citizenship.

Compassionate Systems Co-Founders
Compassionate Systems Tools

Global Trend:

Compassionate Systems has been gaining traction globally. For example:

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) schools (e.g. in Singapore & Switzerland) are incorporating it into their curriculum to develop students’ global citizenship.

  • The British Columbia Ministry of Education positions it as a key strategy in their “Mental Health in Schools” report to cultivate system-wide well-being for both adults & students. 

  • The California Department of Education’s Expanded Learning Division has embarked on a multi-year learning journey to improve organisation culture & strategy.

  • Many primary & secondary schools globally (e.g. in Indonesia) position it as a fundamental pedagogy, i.e. a teaching approach used across all subject areas to boost well-being & academic results.

Compassionate Systems - Wide Application
Bringing it to Hong Kong

Bringing Compassionate Systems to Hong Kong

Local Development:

With the support of CATALYST Education Lab (CEL), 500+ Hong Kong principals & educators have been exposed to Compassionate Systems. Most school leaders strongly feel that it can effectively address their schools’ key concerns & help strengthen the school culture. Many educators have also embarked on their learning & practice journey on individual, classroom & school levels.

Multiple Ways of Engagement:

CEL is creating multiple entry points for HK educators to learn & experience Compassionate Systems:

Compassionate Systems - Multiple Ways of Engagement

Compassionate Systems HK Learning Community:

The Learning Community is established by CEL to serve as a platform for educators to learn & build their Compassionate Systems practice. Any interested HK educators are welcome to join.

In past convenings, we covered topics such as the Check-In Practice, Systems Thinking Iceberg, Wheel of Emotions, Four Player Model etc. {Click HERE to access materials.}

Compassionate Systems HK Learning Community.png

Should you have any enquiries, 

please contact us via email at

© 2022 Catalyst Education Lab. All rights reserved.

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