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We strive to become a learning community where all stakeholders can jointly identify problems and develop solutions for the education space. We built these platforms to foster collaboration:

Principal Roundtable

We bring together the senior leadership of our Partner Schools to discuss present and emerging challenges, share best practices and identify collaboration opportunities. The discussions also help determine CEL’s overall strategic direction.

CEL Principal Roundtable 1
CEL Principal Roundtable 2

Working Groups

Based on the collaboration opportunities identified by our Partner Schools, working groups are formed to undertake those efforts and create relevant initiatives to achieve the desired outcome. While providing expertise and resources as assistance, we make sure that educators are put behind the steering wheel.

CEL Working Groups 1
CEL Working Groups 2

Teacher Fellow Community

All educators who have participated in CEL's events or activities will become our Fellows. We offer multiple events and initiatives for Fellows to build long-lasting relationships with one another.

CEL Teacher Fellow Community
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