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Past Activities


Mar 19 - 23, 2018

J-WEL Week

Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Week provided members with first-hand access to MIT’s educational resources and practices. This week’s theme was “Learning Communities of the Future”. Senior leadership from CEL’s Partner Schools participated in the event.

May 12, 2018

STEAM Camp Professional Development Sessions

In preparation of the MIT STEAM Camp 2018, CEL invited Mark Barnett, the MakerSpace Coordinator at The Harbour School, to host two PD sessions - “Design Thinking - Start with Empathy” and “3D Printing - Humanitarian Design Challenges”.

Jun 10 - 15, 2018

J-WEL Exchange

Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Exchange allowed the participants to engage in hands-on learning activities. By collaborating with MIT faculty and staff focusing on STEAM, they covered topics such as pedagogy, curriculum, professional development etc.

Jul 30 - Aug 10, 2018


Co-organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Chinese International School (CIS), Students were taught in “the MIT way”, with hands-on, immersive learning by doing, and explore the use of digital technologies and tools that promote creativity, invention and collaboration.  A related professional development course for teachers took place simultaneously. This year, the camp’s theme was “Into the Water”.

The event was open for any students and teachers in Hong Kong and around 200 students and 30 teachers participated in the camp.

Oct 22 - 26, 2018

J-WEL Week 

Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Week provided members with first-hand access to MIT’s educational resources and practices. This week’s theme was “Strategic Planning”, with deep-dive and practical sessions with the MIT community on topics like reimagining school, compassionate systems and computational thinking.

Nov 3, 2018

Reimagine Science & Engineering Workshop 

CEL invited Wendy Smith, STEM Specialist at HKIS Upper Primary School, to host a workshop for science teachers. Through hands-on investigations, participants experienced three-dimensional learning in science and engineering and discovered how it can transform science teaching and learning.

Nov 9, 2018

Joint-School Teacher Development Day 2018

With the theme “Preparing Students for the Future”, the Joint-School Teacher Development Day was held to expose teachers to hands-on, experiential way of learning/ teaching, along with technology or tools that can promote collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

280+ teachers participated in this event, including all teachers at Marymount Secondary School, St. Paul’s College, St. Stephen Girls’ College as well as some teachers from CEL’s Partner Schools.

Aug 27, 2018

Workshop with Mitch Resnick 

CEL invited Mitch Resnick, Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, to help teachers explore new ways to cultivate their students’ creativity using the Scratch programming language and online community. In this hands-on workshop, participants explored ways to use Scratch to connect the physical and digital worlds, plus discuss strategies for using Scratch and coding across the curriculum.

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