Past Activities
May 4, 2019
“Tinkering and Playtesting with Microbits” workshop
Facilitated by Mr. Stu Lowe, Learning Technology Specialist at Beacon Hill School, this hands-on workshop allowed participants to learn how an affordable micro-controller can be embedded into a full range of curriculum areas with students having agency over when and how they use it within their learning.
May 25, 2019
“Facilitating Learning with Gogo Boards” workshop
Conducted by Brian Smith and Wendy Smith from Hong Kong International School (HKIS), this workshop allowed participants to learn to operate, program, and build projects using the GoGo Board. The MIT Lifelong Kindergarten's low-floor, high-ceiling, and wide-walls approach was employed.
Jun 10 - 14, 2019
J-WEL Exchange
Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Exchange allowed the 30+ participants to dive into an immersive experience around project-based learning and develop skills to become change agents in their classrooms/schools.
Jul 8 - 9, 2019
Joint-School IS Project Showcase
Held in Cyberport, the Joint-School IS Project Showcase was organized by CEL for students from different schools to showcase their Integrated Science projects around the topic of “Energy”.
500+ students from Logos Academy, Marymount Secondary School, St. Pauls’ College and St. Stephen Girls’ College participated in this event.
Oct 23, 2019
Improving Teacher Collaboration with John Spencer
Meaningful school-wide collaboration can open many new doors. However, teaching can too easily become solitary. In this interactive workshop led by John Spencer, participants explored the critical characteristics of collaboration and learn to implement collaborative structures that allow teachers to better solve problems, learn with peers, and build a positive school culture.
Oct 28 - Nov 1, 2019
J-WEL Week
Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Week was themed “Big Challenges in Education around”. Participants were exposed to hands-on experiences concerning a diverse range of topics, e.g. AI & ethics, global citizenship, climate action. Apart from the J-WEL Week, participants also attended other visits and workshops to enrich their experience.
Oct 25, 2019
Joint-School Teacher Development Day 2019
With the theme “Empowering Learners”, the Joint-School Teacher Development Day was held to expand participants’ mindset on the possibilities of interdisciplinary, hands-on and innovative teaching, guide participants to translate learnings into innovation in their schools, as well as to facilitate mutual understanding amongst teachers from different disciplines and schools.
400+ teachers participated in this event, including all teachers at the HKCCCU Logos Academy, Marymount Secondary School, St. Paul’s College, St. Stephen Girls’ College as well as some teachers from CEL’s Partner Schools.
Jul 29 - Aug 9, 2019
Co-organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), CATALYST Education Lab (CEL) and Chinese International School (CIS), Students were taught in “the MIT way”, with hands-on, immersive learning by doing, and explore the use of digital technologies and tools that promote creativity, invention and collaboration. A related professional development course for teachers took place simultaneously, covering topics such as Embedded Assessment. This year, the camp’s theme was “Air”.
The event was open for any students and teachers in Hong Kong and around 200 students and 20 teachers took part in the camp.
May 23, 2019
Principal Roundtable Convening
In this Principal Roundtable convening with school leaders from our 6 Partner Schools, we collectively brainstormed what a learning community would ideally look like. After hearing CEL’s sharing about the various initiatives that are planned or in progress, we discussed how we can foster more effective collaboration amongst partner schools, better collect stories of impact and gain greater insights from education initiatives from around the world.
Sep 25, 2019
Principal Roundtable Convening
In this Principal Roundtable convening with school leaders from our 6 Partner Schools, we discussed how we might create new initiatives to better incubate ideas and evaluate impact, how we might revamp existing initiatives, and how the evolvement of the organisation might look like in the long term.
Apr 1 - 4, 2019
J-WEL Week
Organized by Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and held in Boston, this J-WEL Week provided members with first-hand access to MIT’s educational resources and practices. This Week included three tracks for participants to choose from, including “Learning Science & Online Learning”, “Compassionate Systems Framework” and “STEAM Learning”.
Feb 15, 2019
Principal Roundtable Convening
This is the first official Principal Roundtable convening that we hosted, where school leaders from our 6 Partner Schools all came together.
We discussed the setup of the Roundtable, reflected on our past learning experiences (e.g. MIT J-WEL, MIT STEAM Camp, Engagement with David Birnbach) and envisioned how CEL can best serve the education space moving forward.
Dec 9 - Dec 12, 2019
Compassionate Systems Leadership
Co-facilitated by Dr. Peter Senge and Dr. Mette Boell, both from MIT J-WEL and the Center for Systems Awareness, the Compassionate Systems Leadership provides participants with the tools and frameworks to see the system they operate in more clearly, as well as more effectively leverage resources and invest in collaborative systems change efforts towards greater individual and collective well-being.
CEL brought eight education leaders and teachers to Jakarta, Indonesia to join with other 50+ participants from around the world.
Dec 4, 2019
Principal Roundtable Convening
In this Principal Roundtable convening with school leaders from our 6 Partner Schools, we discussed how we can further build momentum from past events (e.g. CEL PD Day), brainstormed new initiatives to support the HK education space (e.g. collaboration with Harvard Project Zero), and made decisions on how to revamp on some ongoing initiatives (e.g. MIT STEAM Camp).